Beuty Becomes You founder, Alison O’Neil, wins L’Oreal Paris Woman of Worth Award!

BBYF provides a variety of basic hygiene programs to the senior community to ensure their health and wellbeing.
Often seniors have skin, hair and nail concerns which are easily compromised through denial of their presence and can be exacerbated by medical conditions, medications and lack of proper care.
Services performed by professionals and students range from massage therapy, hair, nail and skin care to more therapeutic interventions such as gentle foot care for Diabetics. BBYF provides volunteers with expert training in geriatric aesthetic™ health and wellbeing .
Leo Buscaglia
In The Spirit of Beauty Program
A program through which salons and spas donate a day, or portion of a week, where they provide their professional services to satisfy the senior client or their caregiver’s aesthetic health needs. Specialized training with certification in Geriatric Aesthetics© is available and participants receive local and national recognition as a “BBYF Senior Select® Service Provider”. Please ask about our program for schools and student certification as well.
BBYF Mission
The mission of The Beauty Becomes You Foundation is to prevent Failure to Thrive Syndrome which occurs when people are not touched. As a benefit we also preserve the dignity and self respect of senior adults and achieve this total mission by providing personal aesthetic care solutions that maintain and improve appearance while lifting self-esteem, building self-confidence and ensuring a strong sense of personal pride.

BBYF Objectives
- Raise the perceived cultural value and achieve a new respect for senior adults by recognizing them as our greatest “National Treasure”.
- Serve multiple recipient sites annually that will accommodate BBYF programs nationwide. Recipient sites include Senior Living Communities, Senior Adult Day Care Centers and low-income housing for seniors.
- Provide aesthetic health services to 25-350 senior adults per program.
- Raise funds locally and nationally to support the organization and its initiatives.
- Provide a specialized training program in geriatric aesthetic™ care to cosmetology and ancillary professionals.
- Develop a volunteer program for aesthetic health professionals to dedicate their time, knowledge and skills to raise the level of aesthetic health & well-being in seniors.
- Develop and implement study protocols to better understand the direct impact of these services on senior adults their caregivers and professionals who provide on-going services.
- Provide aesthetic health professionals with a continuing education opportunity (CEU’s).
- Offer a positive opportunity for both young people and older adults to interact.
- Become internationally recognized and be used as a model to affect positive change worldwide.
Keys To Success
- Thirty plus year background in aesthetic health through the founder, Alison O’Neil.
- Long-standing relationship with the cosmetology, medical and beauty industries.
- Long-standing relationship within the dermatology and plastic surgery professions.
- A thorough background specializing in counseling of the psychology of appearance and cosmetic treatments.
- Providing services that are not currently or readily available to this under-served population.
BBYF Programs
BBYF provides a most critical factor of good mental health to senior adults -Caring TOUCH. We provide a variety of basic hygiene programs to the senior community to ensure their mental health and wellbeing. Often senior adults have skin, hair and nail concerns which are easily compromised through denial of their presence and can be exacerbated by medical conditions, medications and lack of proper care.
Services range from hair and skin cleansing to more therapeutic interventions such as foot care for Diabetics and massage therapy for all. BBYF also supports clinicians with expert training in geriatric aesthetic™ health and wellbeing while engaging these professionals in a volunteer capacity.
The Client
Beauty Becomes You Senior Care Services
The clients we serve are 60 years of age and older. The income levels range from those without any disposable income to very low disposable incomes. Services are available to those seniors participating in community service centers, senior day care facilities, and residents of low-income retirement communities. Client populations include those with Dementia and other conditions that make aesthetic care difficult.
Upon special request and availability, aesthetic care services may be provided to support caregivers who are the primary aesthetic care providers.
I have struggled to feel beautiful my whole life. I have seen it in others and wondered how I could achieve it myself. It wasn’t until recently when taking care of my father in his final days that I understood the true meaning of beauty.
One afternoon after taking Gracie and Gillie, my two yellow labs, for a walk I sat down with my Dad. With my hair disheveled and dreadfully lacking makeup we enjoyed some quiet time on his porch. From his wheelchair he was enjoying tending his plants and flowerpots. I was fixing a loose hinge on his birdfeeder on the other end of the porch when he broke our comfortable silence and said with such loving honesty “Ali, beauty becomes you”. I paused and realized that at that moment I have never felt lovelier in my whole life. I finally understood the meaning of beauty, the inner strength, the perseverance and the unconditional love we shared those final days was the beauty that is grace.
Whether you are providing or receiving the gifts, the way I felt at that moment, and continue to feel today, is what I want you to realize in yourself as you grow from participating in Beauty Becomes You Foundation.
– Alison O’Neil
Alison O’Neil’s Lectures on Geriatric Aesthetics:
Spring 2013- First provider certifications awarded in Geriatric Aesthetics.
2012, 2011,2010, 2009: Alison presented at the American Society on Aging-National Convention.
September 2009: Georgia Gerontology Society, Emory University: Geriatric Grand Rounds presentation.
March 2009: Las Vegas, Aging in America Convention co-hosted by the American Society on Aging and the National Coalition on Aging. Alison gave the inaugural lecture on the new field she is developing called, “Geriatric Aesthetics”. 3500 in attendance, which is the largest professional convention on aging in the country. Members of these associations include Social Workers, Nurses, Senior Community Directors, political organizations and governmental representatives.
February 2007: First lecture on Geriatric Aesthetics to Esthetician students at the Atelier Esthetique in New York City.
Publications Featuring Alison:
“Geriatric Aesthetics” – 2009 July/August edition of Aging Well Magazine.
“Dewey Skin is In for Fall” – 2009 Fall Issue of Best Self Magazine – Atlanta, Georgia.